GITA 2 uses Javascript, Html, and CSS.


August 23, 2019

This project is all about the Equifax Data Breach (Equi-FACTS if you will) that occurred in 2017. It utilizes basic CSS styling.

Technology Page

August 29, 2019

We chose a new piece of technology to research and discuss. This Technology Page utilizes more CSS styling, and even has an external style sheet.

Business Card

September 11, 2019

This is a business card I created for an imaginary business! It utilizes CSS styling, and is specially formatted to fit on a mobile device. The QR code goes to my Home Page.


September 18, 2019

Here is a collage that contains a bunch of my absolute favorite things. It utilizes relative and absolute positioning in CSS.

GITA Gear Store

September 25, 2019

If GITA had a web store, this would be the trendiest place to shop! This project can calculate the total costs of purchases and keep track of manager stats. It's specially styled with CSS positioning.


October 9, 2019

This is a recipe for Mama Dizon's famous pasta carbonara. It goes through the ingrident-collecting and cooking procesess, step by step. It's also coded so that you can print it if you would like to!

Craps Game

October 15, 2019

Much like GITA 1's version of craps, this game of chance utilizes random numbers and images to play.

Xtreme Coding

November 2019

In this group project, we researched about the extreme-ness of computer science. Our's is WII-Sports themed!

Circle Bounce

November 14, 2019

We coded circles that can bounce! In this program, two circles are randomly generated, and when they bump into each other from bouncing against the walls, they collide and become one.

Space Invader

November 22, 2019

This project displays my version of a space invader, moving from side to side. I made it a "Space Inva-BEAR."


December 6, 2019

This is a coded game of pong, in which the player tries to hit the ball back and forth against AI as long as possible.


March 2020

The player is a submarine and can control it within the screen. If it gets close enough to a fish, the fish will dodge it.

Cyber Safety

March 26, 2020

A group project where cyber safety expert, nini the ninja, teaches kids about being safe online.

Sub With Shark

March 26, 2020

Submarine, but take out the submarine and put in a shark that eats fish instead.